From Seafarer to Landlord....

By sbcnineadmin, 3 July, 2024

The worse storms happen at sea.


A picture of a storm in a glass.

I think most of us have heard of that phrase. 

Well, I've been through some of the worse storms at sea. It's strange really because one of the main precursors to a storm is a 'lurid sky', that said some of the worse seas I have experienced have been in blue sky sunny days in the Mediterranean. 

A large storm in the North Atlantic can cause such a huge swell which funnels into the Med causing large heaps and troughs to powerfully, yet lazily, plough through the Med while they slowly lose their energy before gently kissing the shores on the eastern side.

I always thought these storms were the worse I'd endured - sunny blue sky with no wind accompanied by a toremntuously torturous turquoise warrior of a rabid sea....and then I decided to return to land and took on the pub.  
You can be seasick and sick of the sea.

Avoid both at all costs. 

